Kuril tea

06 May 2019

Kuril tea. The substances of smoking tea in terms of their effect on bacteria and viruses are no less strong than chemical drugs. There is a lot of vitamin C in Kuril tea, carotenoids are present, and vitamin C is present in it 5 times more than in lemon, which makes it possible to withstand unfavorable conditions and disease. Many people know about the beneficial properties of medicinal herbs and plants. Even in ancient times, our great-grandmothers treated many diseases of various organs and systems by collecting medicinal herbs. By itself, Kuril tea & mdash; it is a unique combination of useful micro- and macroelements, which are found both in the rhizome and stem of the plant. Such fees as 'Inegen', 'Taiga aroma', 'Alpine aroma' and 'Altai - Golden Mountains' which contain Kuril tea will help you fill the deficiency of micro- and macroelements. Order right now by phone 7 983 329-70-00, write to us on WhatsApp and also subscribe to our news in VK, ODNOKLASSNIKI, Facebook, Instagram.

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