Fir oil "Altai fir" 100 ml

Fir oil "Altai fir" 100 ml

800 RUB
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Fir oil is obtained from the needles and young shoots of fir. For a long time people have been using this most valuable extract as a disinfectant, cosmetic and therapeutic agent of very high biological activity. This is an environmentally friendly product, since fir can only grow in clean, unpolluted air.

Spraying fir oil indoors helps to destroy pathogenic microbes, eliminates unpleasant odors, and leaves a pleasant delicate aroma of a coniferous forest.

Fir oil is an excellent cosmetic product. Helps get rid of wrinkles and sagging skin. It has a beneficial effect on the central nervous system, helps to get rid of insomnia and neuroses. The oil is used in the treatment of gynecological and urological diseases. It has antiseptic, analgesic, anti-inflammatory properties in the treatment of ENT diseases, inflammatory and infectious diseases of the respiratory system, muscle, joint and bone pain of various origins (osteochondrosis, neuritis, arthritis, neuralgia). It is an immunomodulator.

Relieves stress, chronic fatigue, calms, harmonizes, tones. The addition of fir oil, moderately diluted with water, on stones or on the walls of the steam room, has an exciting effect on many. How could it be otherwise, because fir oil is widely used in the pharmaceutical industry as a stimulant of the nervous system, anti-inflammatory and antiseptic. Relieves swelling, eliminates acne, infiltrates, cleanses, tones, rejuvenates and smoothes the skin.


Check for individual tolerance. For acute and chronic kidney disease, consult a specialist before use.

In no case should you consume alcoholic beverages, even beer, during the course (and two days after the last water intake). It is also not recommended to smoke and eat spicy food.


The capacity of fir oil can be used for good. They are good at treating warts. Treat warts with undiluted fir oil 3-4 times a day.

A mixture of fir oil and celandine juice also gives a good effect in treating warts.

Method of preparation and use: Scroll 300 g of fresh celandine through a meat grinder and squeeze the juice from the resulting mass. Celandine has a very caustic juice and all manipulations with it must be carried out with gloves. Mix the resulting juice with 20 ml of fir oil, but not immediately. First, let the juice thicken to a jelly-like form, and then mix it with fir oil. Treat warts with the resulting mixture 2-3 times a day until they disappear completely.

To get rid of warts, you can use this recipe as well.

Grate 2 cloves of garlic on a fine grater, squeeze juice from 1/2 lemon. All components are mixed with 30 ml of fir oil and 10 ml of acetic acid and the resulting mixture is applied to the warts every day. Before starting treatment, the warts must be steamed.


A mixture of fir oil and celandine juice gives a good effect in the treatment of lichen.

Pass 200 g of celandine through a meat grinder and collect the juice. Mix it with 40 ml of fir oil. The density of celandine juice should resemble jelly. Treat the damaged area with the resulting mixture 3-4 times a day.

There is another recipe that can be used to treat lichen.

Crush 4 cloves of garlic until gruel is formed, and squeeze juice from 1 lemon. Add 20 ml of fir oil and 10 ml of acetic acid. With the resulting mixture, cauterize the lichen 2-3 times a day.

For the treatment of lichen, you can also use a mixture of fir oil and propolis (bee glue), infused with alcohol.

Mix 20 ml of oil with 20 g of propolis. Let it brew for 3 days. Do not use this remedy for open wounds, otherwise you will have to be treated for a burn and the ulcer will not heal for a long time.


Treatment of infections, cuts, wounds, is carried out with fir oil. To do this, use compresses with oil, prepared as follows: the surface of the bandage is abundantly impregnated with fir oil and applied to the skin in the damaged area. A piece of polyethylene or any waterproof film is placed on top and tied. Keep the oil on the site of infection for 12 hours, and then change the dressing.


Fir oil is extremely beneficial to health. The components contained in it not only fight against many diseases, but also allow the body to resist them, increasing immunity.

For the treatment of colds, fir oil can be used in many ways: do baths, compresses, massage, take orally with juices and honey, inhale.

You can make both a general and a local or sitz bath. For a general bath, mix warm water with 50 ml of oil. Take a similar bath for 15 minutes. A sitz bath is done in a similar way, but they do not lie in it, they sit in it. The time for taking a sit-down bath is 10 minutes.

The local bath is a foot and hand bath. Pour hot water into an enamel bowl, add 20 ml of oil and lower your feet there, or hands. Take local baths for 5-10 minutes.

The use of fir oil inside is no less effective. Take some natural juice (except citrus) and add 6 ml of fir oil.

Put 1 tsp. honey and take 3 times a day 1 hour before meals.

Infectious diseases of the nasopharynx

Fir oil contains medicinal substances that are rare in terms of their effectiveness and help to heal almost all diseases. It is not for nothing that the inhabitants of the northern regions of our country, who regularly use this oil, are famous for their "Siberian" health.

Fir oil can be used in a variety of ways: for inhalations of all types, for massage and rubbing, for baths and baths, for spraying indoors, for internal use.

Of the dry inhalations, tissue and paper inhalations are the most effective in this case. Wet inhalation is good in the early stages of disease development. Perform them for 10 minutes 3 times a day.

Internal use of fir oil is added to tea, juice or used with honey.

Brew fresh tea (with herbs), add 5 ml of oil and drink immediately. Take this tea 3 times a day after meals. If you use fruit juices instead of tea, warm them up a little before drinking. With honey, oil is taken at the rate of 5 ml of oil per 30 g of honey.

Intestinal diseases

Fir oil, in addition to treating nasopharyngeal and throat infections, can be used to treat intestinal infections. For this, internal use in the form of supplements to drink is most suitable (5 ml of oil per 1 glass of liquid). Take a drink every 2-3 hours.

Poor disease resistance

Fir oil has a high antimicrobial activity, so it is successfully used to strengthen the immune system. It is recommended to do inhalation with the addition of fir oil as a prophylactic agent.

The pain subsided and the swelling subsided

Rubbing fir oil into the bruised area speeds up the wound healing process. The frequency of rubbing is 2 times a day: in the morning and in the evening at night in the form of compresses.

Periodontal disease

Periodontal disease of the oral cavity is an excellent cure for a fir oil compress. Moisten a cotton swab or bandage with oil and apply to a sore tooth or inflamed gum for 10-20 minutes. In case of toothache, repeat the procedure after 1-2 hours.

In case of periodontal disease, 15-20 fir oil applications are required with a repetition of the course in a few months. With a severe form of periodontal disease, it is permissible to carry out the third course also after a few months. Attention! Avoid burning the mucous membrane - for this, dilute 5 ml of oil with 1 glass of boiled cool water.

Fungus and diaper rash

The fungus on the feet is cured with lotions made from pure fir oil. The duration of the lotion is 25-30 minutes. If the fingertips are affected by the fungus, it is best to find a way to immerse your feet in a container of fir oil and hold them for 25-30 minutes.

Treatment is carried out until the fungus disappears, which usually takes 7-10 days.

In case of diaper rash, the feet are lubricated with pure fir oil 2-3 times a day. It is most convenient and effective to apply a 5-10-minute application (overlay) from a bandage soaked in oil.

Calluses and blisters

Rub pure fir oil or a mixture of fir and olive oil (a few drops of both) into the damaged area 2 times a day.


Rub your chest with 5 drops of oil, put a warm towel on your chest for 1-2 hours, you can wrap a heating pad in it.

Medicinal properties

Fir oil has the most medicinal properties along with psychoemotional ones, but cosmetic - only in special cases.

Fir is the best oil for the treatment of hypothermia and frostbite, because it promotes a quick release of the body from stress in combination with a local analgesic and restorative effect.

Fir oil has a combination of expectorant and anti-inflammation properties, perfectly soothes and relieves irritation of the respiratory tract, stops the development of diseases of the lungs and upper respiratory tract.

Being an excellent natural source of phytoncides and provitamins, fir oil has a tonic effect and effectively stimulates both local and general immunity. It is one of the most powerful pain-relieving oils for neuritis, arthrosis, neuralgia and osteochondrosis, while the pain-relieving effect is complemented by an anti-edema effect. The same properties are appropriate for the treatment of gout and rheumatism.

Fir oil also exhibits pronounced vasoconstrictor and cardiotonic properties, stimulates an increase in pressure and eliminates circulatory disorders.


There are a lot of contraindications for the use of fir oil, and there are even more precautions. This is one of the essential oils that are strictly prohibited during pregnancy, with kidney disease, all types of ulcers and gastritis. If fir oil it is prescribed as a therapeutic agent for oral administration, then it is by no means taken on an empty stomach.

Fir oil tends to irritate the skin when applied, and certain types of fir from which the oil is extracted can even cause severe irritation. In some cases, fir oil can cause bronchial spasms, therefore, not only a sensitizing, but also an aerosol test is carried out (1 drop is applied to a tissue or cotton pad and vapors are inhaled for 2-4 minutes) on the perception of oil to identify individual intolerance.

None of the fir oils can be applied to the skin in a pure undiluted form, even the most gentle and gentle. When applied to the skin and mucous membranes, fir for up to 3 minutes causes an active cooling sensation up to a frosty burning sensation, and when taken internally it causes heartburn and nausea, which can be fought with an additional intake of tea with mint or kefir (1 glass)


Despite its irritating properties, when the dosages are correctly observed, fir oil does not cause active unpleasant symptoms, while the usual concentrations of the oil cannot be called underestimated:

inside, fir oil is taken only 1 drop up to twice a day, always with a thick or solid vehicle (a full teaspoon of jam, honey, a mixture with vegetable oil, placed in a bread capsule), washed down with at least a glass of acidic liquid;

for aromatization of premises, standard 4-5 drops of fir are used per familiar 15 square meters of room;

for aroma medallions, which can be used during colds, flu, during epidemic periods add from 2 to 3 drops of fir oil;

inhalation with a concentration of 1 d

about 2 drops of fir oil must be limited to 5 minutes;

aromatic baths, used not only for a psycho-emotional effect, but also to relieve muscle-joint and neuralgic pains, can be carried out with the addition of 6 to 7 drops of fir oil in a thick solvent;

in the same concentration, oil is used for anesthetic and general massage;

for rubbing, especially to relieve pain, use 12 drops of fir oil per 15 g of base;

in case of frostbite, 15 drops of fir oil are added to a tablespoon of macadamia oil, and a warm bandage must be applied on top;

for the enrichment of express products from the category of cosmetics and for use in case of serious inflammatory processes, 4 to 6 drops of fir are added per 15 g of the base.

Commodity: 100% natural product

Dimensions (WxDxH, cm)
7 x 2 x 16
Weight, (kg)
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